Active Holidays in Jordan

Welcome to Jordan, the unique kingdom of the Middle East. This enchanting country welcomes visitors with a mosaic-like landscape where history and nature blend together in unrivalled harmony.

Stepping into Jordan's ancient kingdom is like walking the paths of history. Petra, the incredible lost city, stands as a proud witness to the glory of the past. With its red rock carvings and well-preserved facades, Petra reveals the timeless beauty that the country is blessed with.

But Jordan is not only surrounded by rocks and deserts. The Dead Sea, one of the world's saltiest bodies of water, offers a unique experience of floating on the surface like a carefree duck. The mineral-rich waters of the Dead Sea are said to have healing properties and attract travellers from near and far to experience its miraculous powers.

However, it's not just nature that makes Jordan special. The country's hospitality is part of its DNA. Jordanian people are known for their kindness and friendliness towards strangers. You will feel welcomed as an honoured guest and will be invited to taste the delicious Jordanian cuisine, which offers a treasure trove of traditional dishes that highlight local ingredients and spices.

In addition to its rich history and natural treasures, Jordan is also a beachhead for modern endeavours. Its cities buzz with life and energy, with Amman as the pulsating heartbeat. This modern capital elegantly combines ancient heritage with contemporary innovation, offering a unique blend of architecture, culture and gastronomic experiences.

At night, Jordan's sky lights up like a magical symphony of stars and the desert sands become a canvas for shooting stars. It's a country that invites you to dream big and let your imagination soar.

Jordan is not just a country, it's a feeling. A feeling of awe, gratitude and wonder. It's a country that will stay in your heart long after you've left its borders.

So embark on an unforgettable journey to Jordan and be enchanted by its beauty, history and hospitality. Let this unique country envelop you in a warm embrace and leave you with memories to last a lifetime. Welcome to Jordan - where the adventure begins.

Our experts are always ready to help you if you have any questions regarding Active holidays in Jordan.


Dykkerferie i Jordan

Jordan - Scuba Diving in Jordan

Dive into a world of unforgettable adventures in Aqaba! Discover colourful corals, exotic fish and hidden treasures beneath the surface. Whether you're a beginner or experienced diver, Aqaba's crystal clear waters and abundant marine life will enchant you and leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

(Adventures with diving)

- Discover the Underwater Paradise by boat - Welcome to Aqaba, the pearl of the Red Sea, where diving enthusiasts from all over the world gather to explore one of Jordan's most precious treasur...

8 days

Diving in JordanNew tours 2024
Price from EUR 1.575,00
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

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